Spirituals and My Transformative Leadership Journey
Following the model of Dr. Howard Thurman and his use of the Spiritual in Deep River and The Negro Spiritual Speaks of Life and Death, I too would like to acknowledge these revelatory gifts offered by our ancestors, as pathways to understand and embrace our relationship to the Divine, and as models for transformative personal and collective leadership.
"This Little Light of Mine”~ continuing to embody practices for understanding, contemplating, and engaging with call and offering creative opportunities for others along their journey ~
“Over My Head”~ seeking systemic strategies to build concretized hope, connection, and community~
“There is a Balm in Gilead”~ offering ground for communities to consider and mount alternative systems where people can thrive with and through dignity and care ~
“Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child”~ committing to furthering my own global socio-economic, political, theo-ethical knowledge and understanding ~
“Were You There?"~promising an ancestrally rooted, forward obligated commitment to continue to grow into and be challenged in my transformative leadership journey ~
Above excerpted from Final Reflection for FTRS 2973 Transformative Leadership: Prophets, Heretics, and Social Entrepreneurs (Spring 2021) Professor: Rev. Dr. Dorsey Blake youtu.be/VJ8USoQHLG0 youtu.be/9Vh86DekYao |
Ancestrally Linked “Mundane Sacred Dailyness” Sermon offered as a part of the Pacific School of Religion Community Worship Service, November 2, 2021
Learn more…. |
Black History Month Remarks (2022): Open Book: Black Excellence - Gail Borden Public Library District - Elgin, Illinois
Black History Month Remarks (2021): https://youtu.be/Zr8JPzsDMdU
Black History Month Remarks (2021): https://youtu.be/Zr8JPzsDMdU